Enter for a chance to win FREE Registration & $50 Dick's Gift Card
This weekend equals discounts for NKYA Players and Families! Just show them this picture when checking out!
The NKYA Dick’s Sporting Goods discount weekend is March 18th through the 21st.
We will have our Play It Again Sports weekend March 19th through 21st.
Fall soccer and softball registrations have been updated as both are a go!
Fall soccer and softball registrations are open. See the page for each on our site for details.
Unfortunately, due to the current circumstances, we have to cancel the spring baseball and softball seasons.
The spring baseball and softball season has been delayed until June 1st. The season will run until the end of July.
The spring season has now been delayed until May 11th..
We will be delaying the start of the season. Practices will not start until the week of April 13th with games starting May 2nd.
Richardson Road Park
Grant County Park
Verona Fire Department
Sterling Staggs
St. Agnes
Franzen Fields
Northern Kentucky Youth Association PO Box 648 Independence, Kentucky 41051
Phone: 859-982-9011 Email: [email protected]